Thus screamed a hyperbole
Why do you need temples — why not hospitals and schools?
Bars, malls, theatres, restaurants, pubs, discotheques why are they there? Humans need to unwind, destress, get entertained and these avenues provide an external stimulus, a distraction for few hours before dumping us back to reality.
We need to extricate the Temple from evangelical-marxist stereotypes.
Temple is not a prayer house
Temple is not a place for communion
Temple is not a free ticket to heaven
A temple upkept with due sanctity is free re-charge point
A subtle terrain which can work best for those who are subtle
Best thing to do in the temple is keep your eyes closed. Block your external senses and unblock your internal being that is the proposition of a temple.
Let’s not keep falling in the trap of belief/non-belief, heaven/hell nothing holds forte, quieten your thought wreck, shut-off your reactionary senses, get off being gross, harness the power of subtle.
Go sit in the Temple
Even if we don’t build, we better preserve the old, ragged, jaded, arcane temples — for they are worth the cause to preserve the history, the tradition, the culture, and not the least super-human efforts that went in building them.
Be subtle.