This week I am at home (which we Indians call it as native place)
A famous Malayalam song goes like this
ഒരു വട്ടം കൂടിയെന്നോര്മകള് മേയുന്ന
തിരുമുറ്റത്തെത്തുവാന് മോഹം
തിരുമുറ്റത്തൊരു കോണില് നില്ക്കുന്നൊരാനെല്ലി
മരമൊന്നുലുത്തുവാന് മോഹം.One more time I want to be back
To the courtyard where myriads of memories linger
One more time I want to swing around
The tree which is standing in the corner of the courtyard
What makes this nostalgic trip home special? Of course it would be the connections. Connections with people and connections with the place itself
People are mortal, as I grow older I am witnessing a whole generation vanishing in front of my eyes and my generation is slowly getting in that space.
After all my people are gone, all loved one’s, friends and family are all gone, what is the motivation to come back?
Yes there is a connection to the place itself. Long relation with the old home, old trees, old temple, old pathways, old play arenas, culture and traditions
Homes get dilapidated, new one’s rise up in its place. Roads expand, new buildings crop up replacing the old. And slowly everything we grew up around vanishes.
So what remains as connections to the native?
Little bit of culture, little bit of history, little bit of nature. That is what can remain if preserved
Some of the sights which I do cherish and pulls me back to my home town would be these
As the saying goes
When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money.
When the last bits of nature around is cut down, when the culture, tradition, sanctity of the temple is desecrated in the name of modernity nothing will be left to call a connection
Perhaps nomadic life is what it will becometh!